Media Background

When you select media ( ) for a background design, an editing menu will appear for the media. Follow the steps below to add a media file as a background:

  1. In the Duration field, select how long the media file will play in the background.
  2. In the View Type field, select one of the following options to configure how the image/video will fit into the background frame:
    • Stretch to fit region – Stretches smaller images/videos horizontally so that they fit into the background frame.
    • Fit region – Scales the images/videos so that the full image fits into the background frame.
    • Scale to fill region – Scales up smaller images/videos until the background frame is completely filled.
  3. In the Others field, check the Detect Picture Orientation to make automatic corrections to the picture orientation.
  4. Drag and drop or click the + File button and select the media file you want to use as the background. Repeat this step to add more media files as backgrounds.
    NOTE: Supported file formats include PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, MP4, WMV, 3GP, AVI, MOV, PPT, PPTX, PDF, and MP3.
  5. In the file list choose any of the following options to configure your background:
    • Click and drag any file to re-order the playback sequence.
    • Double-click the Duration column for any file to configure how long the respective file will play for before switching to the next file. 
    • Double-click the Caption column for any file to add a description for the file.
    • Select any file and click the delete button () to remove the file from the background playback list.
  6. Click Save to finish configuring the background settings.
