2.7.16 Online Calendar

The online calendar menu allows you to link the layout box to your Google/Gmail, Microsoft, or iCalendar-based calendar and show upcoming items in your schedule. To display your calendar/schedule in a layout item/box, click the calendar button ( ) in the bar to the left of the content menu, and the clock menu will appear. Follow the instructions below to configure the display settings for the calendar.

  1. Select the type of account for your calendar. The options include Google, Microsoft, or iCal accounts.
  2. In the Items to show field, set the number of upcoming calendar/schedule events to show in the layout box.
  3. Check the Description and/or Location boxes to include more detailed information regarding each event.
  4. In the Theme field, select from several preset styles or select Custom to customize the appearance of the calendar in the layout box.
  5. If you select Custom in the Theme field, you will be able to configure the following settings in the Header and Item Format boxes:
  6. Text Color –Choose from either several preset colors or select a custom color for the text shown in both the calendar’s header or schedule items.
  7. Background Color –Choose a transparent background, or a preset or custom color for the header and schedule item’s background.
  8. (OPTIONAL) Background Image –Click the more button ( ) to add a background image in the header or schedule item and then upload the image you want to use.

Click Save to finish configuring the calendar.