3.7 Finder

The Finder app allows you to navigate the files and folders saved locally on NovoTouch as well as any storage devices connected to ports. The Finder app also supports Google Drive and OneDrive as cloud alternative

No. Item Description
1 Storage Devices List Displays the various storage devices available to navigate in the app, select a storage device to navigate.
2 Previous Jumps to the previous folder opened in the navigation window.
3 File Type Allows you to view files based on file type.
4 Search Allows you to search for specific files.
5 Exit Exits the Finder app.
6 Sort Sorts the files either by name, type, size, or time. 
7 Thumbnail Changes the navigation window to thumbnail view.
8 List Changes the navigation window to list view.
9 Select Allows you to select multiple files in the navigation window. Once files are selected a file management menu will open allowing you to copy, paste, cut, delete, etc. the files selected.
10 Select All Selects all files in the navigation window. Once files are selected a file management menu will open allowing you to copy, paste, cut, delete, etc. the files selected.
11 Navigation
Navigate through file folders in this window.
12 File Details Displays details for the file selected in the navigation window.