Creating a Playlist

Creating playlists is quite straightforward.

  1. Select device model
  2. Select screen orientation
  3. Select layout preference

    • Selecting ‘Designer Templates’ provides you with a collection of expertly crafted, ready-to-use templates that streamline your design process and save you time.

  4. Then, start editing.

The playlist editor features a user-friendly WYSIWYG interface, allowing you to create and edit playlists with ease, exactly as they will appear in the final presentation.

There are four main regions

  • The left-most column is all the content Widgets NovoDS Cloud supports.
  • Widget Properties is the place for users to edit each widget, such as defining content source, adjusting font size, etc.
  • Canvas is the area for users to place the content widgets
  • Layout Tools allow users to manipulate layering, alignment, and dimension, etc.

Once you finish building the playlist, you could do the followings

  • Save the playlist to the Cloud
  • Preview the playlist on your computer
  • Publish the playlist to NovoDS devices