Playlist sharing

Users can share playlists with members in their organization. The shared playlists can be edited in the same ways as user’s own playlists. Please follow the steps below to start sharing playlists and collaborating on using the NovoDS service.

Step1. Go to “My playlists”, select the desired playlist, and then click “Share”.

Step2. Specify the members or teams you would like to share with. Click on “Apply” to share the playlist.

Note: To ensure playlist integrity, when a shared playlist is edited by someone, other members will not be able to edit it at the same time.

There are two ways to identify playlists you have shared

  • A blue “shared” icon is shown in front of the shared playlists.
  • Alternatively, we aggregate all the shared playlists in one folder. Go to “Shared Playlists” and then select tab “Shared With Others”.

If someone shares a playlist with you, you can find it in tab “Shared With Me”.