3.15 Note Note app allows you to use the touchscreen as a sketchpad to freehand draw on the display using touch gestures....
3.3 Side-bar Tools Side-bar tools are accessible by clicking on the Side-bar icons at the left or right of the screen. The following...
3.4 NovoConnect NovoConnect is the app that allows users to wirelessly connect their PCs, Macs, iPads/iPhones, or Android tablets/smartphones to NovoTouch and...
3.1 Home Screen The following screen is the default home screen when NovoTouch is powered on, which is the main user interface from...
2.6 Switch input source After making a video input connection, open the input source menu to select which input source to show on the...
2.5 Set up a Wi-Fi Hotspot When there’s no any Wi-Fi access point, NovoTouch can be configured a Wi-Fi Hotspot, and create a local network that...
2.4 Connect your NovoTouch to your network Setting up an Internet Connection NovoTouch is able to connect to the internet using one of the following methods: ●...
2.2 Get Started Installing the Wi-Fi Module (EK-2 series) In order for the display to have access to a wireless network or Internet,...
2.1 Installing the Wall Mount Before installing the wall mount ensure the following: • Installation should only be done by a certified professional. • Maximum...