5.4 AirNote The AirNote annotation tool allows participants to annotate on the presentation display directly from their device during a full screen...
5.3 Video Streaming By connecting to NovoConnect, video content can be easily output to Projector or LCD Display. This article will instruct you...
5.1 How to extend your screen? (Windows) Using a Novo device as screen extension is available for Windows and Mac computers.
3.12 Whiteboard The NovoTouch BK650i/BK750i/BK860i Note app allows you to use the touchscreen as a sketchpad to freehand draw on the display...
3.11 Clear History Software Setup Step 1. In the NT Launcher home screen, tap the button at the bottom-right corner. Step 2. Tap...
3.10 Change Device Name 1. In the All Apps menu, tap NT Settings. 2. In the NT Settings menu, tap General. 3. Tap Room...
3.9 Turn Wi-Fi Off and On 1. Enter the NovoTouch home screen and tap the button at the bottom to enter the All Apps menu. 2. ...
3.8 NT App Store NT App Store collects more than 50+ practical apps, and has 5+ categories, contains working, education and life styles, multimedia,...
3.7 Finder The Finder app allows you to navigate the files and folders saved locally on NovoTouch as well as any storage...
3.8 Hiding/Showing NT App Store and Google Play Store 1. After updating the display’s operating system and powering on, by default NT App Store will be displayed and Google...